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products mentioned
TRESemme Anti-Breakage Strengthening Shampoo


Matrix Total Results High Amplify Shampoo


Bumble and Bumble Seaweed Shampoo


As low as $0.00

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Shampoo's pearl shine contains chemical that doesn't suits oily skin and thus increase acne problem.

by Nashwille Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 05:52AM Report as inappropriate

Never expected to see Biosilk on the list.

by lehxuu Sunday, April 28, 2013 at 07:53PM Report as inappropriate

You would think with the price points of MAC products they would actually deliver, sad.

by Lamexicana1 Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 10:46AM Report as inappropriate

Thanks for this! And to think, I was going to try Biosilk out!!

by PrincessBear3 Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at 01:27PM Report as inappropriate

I tried this as my hair is very dark brown (natural color). Not only did it not deposit color, but as described by the TB reviewer, it left it feeling like straw. BTW, the conditioner that goes with this is no better. It stains your hands, doesn't deposit color, and has no conditioning effect at all. Your hair feels like you didn't even use a conditioner. They have some great products, but not this.

by kimber314 Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 02:49PM Report as inappropriate

Thanks for this article. I hate all Tresemme products even though they keep coming up with new products that sound great. My hair always feels dry and frizzy. I was going to try TRESemme Vitamin B12 & Gelatin Anti-Breakage Shampoo, but not now!

by kimber314 Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 02:39PM Report as inappropriate

i find it interesting when i read comments about the same shampoo for people with different hair goals. if people have different hair goals, why are they using the same shampoo? :P also, i don't know what the big deal about lack of lather is. any decent shampoo i've used doesn't lather very much because it's not meant to. it's more concentrated without lather. same with smell. i don't care if it smells good, i put in product later anyways. regardless, i don't use any of these shampoos :P

by forkjuice Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 12:36PM Report as inappropriate

Glad I read this. Sure, I probably wouldn't be trying many of the high-end brands but if I saw the Tresemme Anti-Breakage in the drugstore I would probably buy it, glad to know now that it's not recommended by TB. Thanks. :)

by jenboleyn Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 10:56AM Report as inappropriate

Haven't had a whole lot of luck yet with Tressemme

by EricaC123 Friday, December 28, 2012 at 11:37AM Report as inappropriate

now i know what to skip! thanks :D

by rayshaviolet Saturday, December 22, 2012 at 10:29AM Report as inappropriate

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