The Fashion Spot Momtastic


12 Best Acne Products for Your Clearest Skin Yet

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11 Best Tinted Moisturizers for Easy, On-the-Go Coverage

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Even if you hate the smell of perfume, you can't deny the timeless beauty of a grouping of a few gorgeous perfume bottles. Design no-brainer: Group a few bottles of classic perfumes (you can never go wrong with Chanel, Burberry and Guerlain) in any room except, maybe, the kitchen, and you add instant elegance and sophistication. Design not-so-no-brainer: You don't have to actually wear the perfume you're displaying. Think of it as cheap, multi-purpose artwork that doesn't require a hammer and nail.

Here, you'll find a list of the best perfumes for women — even if you can't stand the stuff.
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