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  • 10

    THis Brunette Loves the Personal Touch

    This shampoo is very basic and very gentle. You can have the consultants infuse it with a color and make it your own color shampoo and conditioner. I usually have it infused with various shades of Brown and Red to keep my Auburn hair more vibrant, but you can do anything from various shades of black, blonde brown and red.
    Shellie217 | 4 reviews

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  • 15 Best Heat Styling Products

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    Wonderful way of making your color last!

    I love that I can totally customize these products to suit my needs. I have a couple sets, scented to match my daily moods: a nice relaxing girly scent (#3, I think) and a refreshing minty one for when I need some extra energy. I can tailor the color (a mix of red with a touch of violet) to keep my hair color going strong between dyes, and yes, sometimes to prolong the necessity of them. Perfect!
    aradiapdx | 13 reviews

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