The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Revlon Colorstay Mineral Eye Shadow

7 Worst Eyeshadows

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  • 8

    Tiger eye

    I love this shade. It makes my blue-gray eyes pop. It is great for every day & is not over powering.
    jola64 | 88 reviews

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  • 12 Best Eye Shadows

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 8

    Tiger Eye

    I heard these were getting good reviews but was never tempted to try them as I already have so many brown/neutral eyeshadows, but CVS was selling it for 2 dollars so I decided to risk it. My trio is quite lovely, nothing out of the ordinary colorwise but that does not negate the prettiness of these shadows. I put these colors over the Revlon Illuminance Cream shadow in Skinlight and ended up more a sheer, goldeny brown look that lasted at least the whole day. Good for a light and more natural look or for when you want to wear a more bold lipcolor.
    Marasy | 104 reviews

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