The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    where can I purchase the daytime moisterizer

    where can I purchase the daytime moisterizer
    edith_miller_black | 1 reviews

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    de markoff

    I am 90 years old and have used this product because I saw an older woman when I was in college and ask what she used. De Markoff daily moisturizer was it. I love love this product. I look better than most people my age. love the dewey look....
    beja | 1 reviews

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    I look 15 years younger than I am!

    That's right and I've used this for over 20 years and I attribute it to this moisturizer! I have every woman I know using it over the years because I look younger than all if them. No joke! Give it a try, you won't be sorry. You can get it online at Your-Cosmetics and you can get a sample of it first. A bottle lasts me over a year because you only need to use a little bit so while it's a little costly it's a big bottle and that lasts a long time.
    Nyx7 | 6 reviews

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    Alexandra de Marcoff

    I began using this 30 years ago and have never found any other moisturizer that does as well. It gives a dewy look, a glow and foundation goes on smoothly. I tried many other products because I couldn't find Alexandra de Marcoff in my town anymore. but nothing was satisfactory. So happy to find it again.
    kay_gustin_sapp | 1 reviews

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    Living Proof

    Using this product for over fifty years. My skin at over eighty is the proof of its excellence😅!
    2107sout | 1 reviews

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    this product goes on smooth
    lindahildebrand | 26 reviews

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