The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Your Best Face Restore

Your Best Face Restore

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    Great product!

    ybf restore helps balance my skin tone. I have some age spots and discoloration and this helps to even it out, while also moisturizing.
    carolbee68 | 5 reviews

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  • 10


    i really love this product; after only a few weeks my skin is more even, i wake up practically glowing, and am seeing my not-getting-any-younger skin looking better than it has in months. Restore is lightweight and oil-free, so my skin stays clear (most of the time), and can be used along with my other skincare goodies without a problem (it is also great to use around the eye area!).
    beauty_girl_musings | 136 reviews

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  • 9 Unnecessary Skin Care Products

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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    Brightens and soothes- lovely for eye area

    Brightens skin, soothes and hydrates, improves complexion. Restore is one of my two favorite products in this line. I REALLY LOVED using this product. It’s a very fluid, translucent serum. Since I have some uneven skin tone due to old acne scars, melasma and hormone changes in the past few years… I was excited to try this product. Initial application leaves you with a perfect glow morer your skin. Again, I only used a pea size amount of product and it covered my entire face easily. Restore provided me with light moisture without the grease and “unbreathable” feeling. It’s perfect under makeup!! And really makes your products grab and set. After long term use, my skin seemed brighter and much more even.
    bionicbeauty | 127 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  13 of 17 people said helpful

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