The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Marc Jacobs Daisy Solid Perfume Necklace

Marc Jacobs Daisy Solid Perfume Necklace

13 Awful-Smelling Fragrances

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    My husband gave this to me after he ventured into a Sephora BY HIMSELF to get me a birthday present. So that in itself gives it sentimental value, haha. It's a cute, weighty pendant that love with the scent tucked inside, however you don't get a lot of perfume for the price, which makes me hesitant to use it much. Plus, the overall look of the necklace reminds me of something I would have worn as morea teenager in 1997, so I don't wear it much. Great gift for girls though! Beautful fragrance, but will stick to the bottle for now.
    monalisastyle | 97 reviews

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