The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Estee Lauder Nutritious Vita-Mineral Liquid SPF 10 Makeup

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    WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU MISLEADING PEOPLE??? i bought into that "packed with antioxidants" crap and "rich in vitamins and minerals" and now my gullible self bought myself a bottle of ance babies. i somehow plopped a series of pimples across my t-zone and some on my cheeck near the nose area. My skin is very schizophranic, it's dy-combination on my cheeck area and eye lids, but oily on my nose, more chin and in between my eyebrow-area. this made my skin look VERY oily and so shiney that my friend even offered an oil-blotting paper because she told me that she could see herself on my forehead. Don't be so quick to eating every review people feed you with, like how i did. I was so quick to return this thing. seriously...if you do happen to buy this however. you'll need the clinique pore minimizing t-zone shine control or something. because this foundation, as nutrious as it may be, will make you shine (not in a good way)
    ester_park | 6 reviews

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    Better than Mineral Make-up

    I used to use powder mineral make-up. I bought this with a gift certificate I won. Love it. Doesn't break me out. Goes on smoothly and leaves my skin feeling soft. A bit pricey, but worth every penny.
    tawnjun | 8 reviews

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