The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Neutrogena Deep Clean Oil-Free Makeup Remover Cleansing Wipes

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  • 9

    Takes off heavy makeup in a flash!

    I am one of those people that likes something simple to remove all my makeup with at the end of a long day - makeup wipes to the rescue! While I usually only wear light eyeshadow each day, I happened to have these particular wipes on hand during my Nutcracker performances this season. During a ballet, I wear two layers of foundation, super heavy blush, lip stain, eyeshadow up to my eyebrows, more dark liquid eyeliner, loads of mascara, and occasionally false eyelashes, depending on the production. These wipes have stuck with me for the last seven months as something I want to go back to - they did not leave a gross, oily residue on my skin, and they got the majority of my makeup off in just one or two wipes. These did not irritate my skin at all. I have liked 2/3 of the types of Neutrogena makeup remover wipes I've finished, and these are definitely at the top of that list, as well as my all-time "love" list!
    bandgeektastic | 28 reviews

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  • 8

    Quick and easy

    i love this product it is quick and easy to use! great for when you get home after a night out and you are too lazy to wash your face! It even removes waterproof mascara
    debbiediogo | 5 reviews

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