Convincing the fairer sex that we need to have extravagant, pretty, pink packaging, exotic floral scents and sundry extra ingredients in our: soaps, body washes, shampoos, conditioners, etc. is so commonplace a practice that it'd be laughable -- if we weren't being made fools of on a regular basis.
When analyzed ingredient by ingredient it turns out that a lot of what separates the men's' from the ladies' beauty and hygiene products is nothing more than superfluous stuff and, guess what?, we pay a much heftier price tag than do our hairier brothers.
Beautifully explained and encapsulated in this video from Dan Undah (say it out loud, you'll be amazed at what a great Aussie accent you suddenly have), this gender marketing "racket" we're so enmeshed in would really be quite fascinating -- if it weren't so bloody bothersome.