Cocamidopropyl-wha? If you've ever muddled through the ingredient list on your makeup, check out this handy guide to the unpronounceable. Surprise! A lot of those scary-sounding ingredients are made from fruits and veggies.
The Grossest Ingredients Hiding in Your Skin Cream
We ran across's fascinating chart and found that so many of the ingredients that sound like elements for making a pipe bomb (and the last thing you'd voluntarily put on your face) are actually derived from the stuff we eat every day, like apples, blueberries, and oatmeal.
Is This Sunscreen Ingredient A Secret Acne Cure?
Of course, we know that just because it's "natural" doesn't mean it's harmless, but knowing the root of these ingredients makes us feel a little better (and alot smarter). And we love the takeaway message: do your research! There are reliable resources out there to find out what you need to know about the skin, hair and body products you're using. The more you know ... the better.