Allison Dorst was fed up with the lack of fitness clothing for plus size women. So rather than simply complain to her friends (which is what we would do), she actually did something about it. Dorst created Pinks and Greens, a clothing company devoted to providing workout and fitness clothes to women of
all sizes.
Dorst created the company in 2010, after noticing the dearth in plus-size active wear options for women. She explains her plight thusly: "The problem is, number one, the manufacturers don't think that the need exists, so it's a vicious cycle. ... I really think that these brands think that once you're over a size 8, you're not active." Pinks and Greens offers golf, tennis, fitness and lifestyle options -- and all of the clothes are cute, colorful and dynamic.
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Golf attire is a super popular seller for the company, and the its best-selling size is size 18 -- proof positive that bigger women are also active.
"I just wanted something that was attractive and feminine and that looked good ... and I couldn't find that," Dorst says of her justification for creating the line Dorst. Now she's found that, and so have the rest of us. [
Huffington Post]