How many times have you been told you kick or throw or fight like a girl? Probably more than once or twice, right? Have you ever thought about what that really means, though? Implied within the idea of doing anything "like a girl" is the idea that girls somehow do things poorly.
Of course, this notion isn't one we're born with. We're taught gradually, as we get older, that being "like a girl" is synonymous with being weak and incapable of taking care of ourselves. In a fascinating new video from Always, a group of adults are asked to imitate what it means to do a series of activities "like a girl." The results are as stereotypical as you'd think, with participants flailing about awkwardly.
But when a croup of young girls is asked to run, fight, or throw "like a girl," the result is astonishing. The girls
actually run, through and fight like champs -- proof that this girl-bashing behavior is something we absolutely pick up on in our adolescence.
The video asks us to question what we mean when we encourage girls to be more like boys. Instead, maybe we should do like one of the women in the video suggests: Embrace doing things "like a girl. Because it's working." [