You've probably seen her face all over your television screens for years, and for good reason. Vanessa Williams -- actress, singer, author, mother and the 1984 Miss America is nothing short of a total boss who's made her mark in the beauty world in a big away. While the beauty queen is flawless on and off screen, she reveals that her clear complexion wasn't always so perfect. "I started getting acne in middle school, which can be a rough time for most kids," recalls Williams. But while most teenagers grow out of their "acne phase," Williams struggled with blemishes well into adulthood. It wasn't until she discovered Proactiv's 3-Step System that her skin would make an incredible transformation.
After devotedly using the products for about 10 years and watching her insecurities vanish, Williams joined the Proactiv team as their official spokesperson in 2002, and she's returned this year to promote the brand. The only difference? This time she's joined forces with her daughter Sasha, who also struggled with acne before turning to her mom's go-to, Proactiv.
In-between shooting for Proactiv's new commercial, we caught up with Williams on set to discover her can't-live-without product, and to have her answer five things we ask everyone.
Hello, my name is: Vanessa Williams
What I had for breakfast today: Egg scramble with mozzarella, turkey sausage and peppers
Five things in my purse right now: Scarf, fan, wallet, tame the flame and passport
The Beauty Product I can't live without: Perfekt Skin Cream
I have (or want) a tattoo of ___. I want/got it because of ___: None/Don't