Beauty Tips
Your 12 Biggest Beauty Disasters -- Solved!Self-tanning trauma? Bad dye job? Zit flare up? Check out these beauty tips to turn your purse into your beauty crisis survival kit |
With all the devastating natural disasters, oil spills, terrorist attacks, financial meltdowns and wars happening globally, it seems a bit hyperbolic to call something as trite as a chipped nail or a scissor-happy bang trim a disaster, right? Nonetheless, everything's relative and we don't want you to never be the victim of any type of beauty disaster (or whatever you want to call it).
Get your beauty disasters solved now.
In the realm of beauty, Murphy's Law definitely applies ("anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" and probably has gone wrong), but we just happen to have remedies for you courtesy of makeup artists Kimberley Bosso and Riku Campo, expert hairstylists Anthony Cristiano and Larry Sims and pro manicurist Beth Fricke. They'll help you plan ahead to prevent beauty blunders from happening as well as show you how to improvise in the moment when one does hit. Just stock your purse with the few essential survival beauty products they suggest and you'll look put-together (or put back together) in a snap -- think of these items as your beauty spare tire -- you'll need them in case you get a flat.
And to help you feel like you're not the only woman with pit stains, static-y hair and bleeding lipstick we thought we'd share photos of celebrity makeup mishaps and celebrity hairstyles gone wrong from stars that are otherwise fairly composed like Cameron Diaz, Christina Aguilera, Drew Barrymore, Eva Mendes, Hilary Duff, Jessica and Ashlee Simpson, Kate Hudson, Rosario Dawson, Lindsay Lohan, Courtney Love and Amy Winehouse (well, maybe the last three are an exception).
See your 12 biggest beauty disasters -- solved.
SEE NEXT PAGE: The Disaster: A Surprise Zit
Get your beauty disasters solved now.
In the realm of beauty, Murphy's Law definitely applies ("anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" and probably has gone wrong), but we just happen to have remedies for you courtesy of makeup artists Kimberley Bosso and Riku Campo, expert hairstylists Anthony Cristiano and Larry Sims and pro manicurist Beth Fricke. They'll help you plan ahead to prevent beauty blunders from happening as well as show you how to improvise in the moment when one does hit. Just stock your purse with the few essential survival beauty products they suggest and you'll look put-together (or put back together) in a snap -- think of these items as your beauty spare tire -- you'll need them in case you get a flat.
And to help you feel like you're not the only woman with pit stains, static-y hair and bleeding lipstick we thought we'd share photos of celebrity makeup mishaps and celebrity hairstyles gone wrong from stars that are otherwise fairly composed like Cameron Diaz, Christina Aguilera, Drew Barrymore, Eva Mendes, Hilary Duff, Jessica and Ashlee Simpson, Kate Hudson, Rosario Dawson, Lindsay Lohan, Courtney Love and Amy Winehouse (well, maybe the last three are an exception).
See your 12 biggest beauty disasters -- solved.
SEE NEXT PAGE: The Disaster: A Surprise Zit
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Older comments
mhh, even though i want to look good, i have much more other things to worry about than a chipped nail or a zit that only i can see
by AstridB Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 03:31AM Report as inappropriate
yikes Lindsay
by LittleBunny Thursday, January 10, 2013 at 09:58AM Report as inappropriate
by EricaC123 Monday, December 31, 2012 at 02:01PM Report as inappropriate
Funny how famous people are used for this article. I have better things to do then spend my time wondering if someone has chipped polish on their toes.... please! Everyone knows that chipped polish is a "disaster". I feel sorry for those people in the limelight whose bad hair days and no time to get to the salon are put out there for everyone to see.
by flirtygirl214 Monday, September 24, 2012 at 04:52PM Report as inappropriate
Love the umpa loompa orange tans...Not!!!
by Only1KimmieD Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at 12:58PM Report as inappropriate
Oh yeah, because in the first slide you could totally tell that she had a \'big\' zit on her chin. NOT. If your pimple is that small no one is going to notice or care
by rachaellh13 Tuesday, August 28, 2012 at 03:33PM Report as inappropriate
love the idea of using the foundation at the top of the cap for a concealer.
by michellefuentes Friday, August 24, 2012 at 06:26PM Report as inappropriate
For the last couple of years I've brought my own nail polish to the salon.
by asiagirl4ever Monday, July 16, 2012 at 08:00PM Report as inappropriate
this is SO helpful! i never know what to do when i take out my ponytail and there's a huge bump!
by liliofthevalley Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 06:01PM Report as inappropriate
Very helpful article!! I've found Guerlain Meteorites to be VERY helpful at disguising my very ladylike hangovers (I don't have time for the routine they list in the article--I eat breakfast at work!).
by tallredamanda Friday, April 13, 2012 at 08:30AM Report as inappropriate