The Fashion Spot Momtastic


12 Best Acne Products for Your Clearest Skin Yet

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11 Best Tinted Moisturizers for Easy, On-the-Go Coverage

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products mentioned
Soap & Glory Flake Away Body Polish


The Body Shop Shea Body Scrub


Frank Body Original Coffee Scrub


DermaDoctor KP Duty


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Older comments

I really want to try one of these scrubs. They all look like good products.

by Lili04 Monday, March 4, 2013 at 12:32AM Report as inappropriate

It all sounds so good. I wanna try them all.

by Zeaundra Monday, February 25, 2013 at 07:44AM Report as inappropriate

I love exfoliating products

by LittleBunny Sunday, January 27, 2013 at 10:40AM Report as inappropriate

I have tried every exfoliating product on the market some worked , some broke me out! But My sister and I have found one that has changed our lives. It's called Spa-Exfoliare Whole Body Bath Net,It's awesome. I had severe eczema all my life and had these really ugly thick patches on my feet. I never wore sandals until this summer! It is changing my life. Its such a simple tool. It caught us both by surprise. I think it's the best kept secret. I got mine from their site but my sister went to Etsy. I even had better tans this summer because my skin tone was more even. It surprised us that we couldn't find them at our local stores, but I tell everyone I know because it really works! and they don't use chemicals! I love my Bath net, you've got to check them out!

by AndeshaNoel Sunday, January 27, 2013 at 10:16AM Report as inappropriate

"Tree Hut" makes a fantastic sugar scrub in a variety of scents and it's very affordable! I recently purchased the Bath and Body works True Blue Spa Invigorating Spa Scrub, for which I paid $24.00, and I prefer the Tree Hut stuff, which is under $10.00!

by BellaFaccia Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 09:53AM Report as inappropriate

I've tried the Bath and Body Works products mentioned, and love them! Can't wait to try some of these others.

by Erin4 Tuesday, January 8, 2013 at 01:12PM Report as inappropriate

i am obsessed with body scrubs i had been curious about some of these and now i know i should try them!

by rayshaviolet Saturday, December 22, 2012 at 10:31AM Report as inappropriate

I have used many of these scrubs and they are all awesome. Favorite for sure would have to be The Body Shop scrubs. All of them. Very different smells, work wonders, and a great store for the environment so I don't feel guilty!

by Lamexicana1 Friday, November 9, 2012 at 08:44PM Report as inappropriate

What about scrubs that aren't so strongly scented? I realize that most are "salt" or "sugar" scrubs, but do they actually have to smell overpoweringly salty or sugary?

by schien Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 12:33PM Report as inappropriate

Another option for people looking for a great scrub is to look on etsy or at local soap maker shops. You can get amazing scrubs that contain fewer chemicals and are a fraction of the price. You can check out my scrubs on etsy by searching Scrubxury.

by MaggB Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at 02:53PM Report as inappropriate

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