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This is seriously the dumbest article on here. I'm from LA and we have lots of uglies. TRUST.

by eatinglipstick Friday, February 15, 2013 at 05:21PM Report as inappropriate

Muffin tops with stretch marks. Tan lines with strapless dresses. Flip-flops with fleece sweaters. Wearing pajamas and slippers to the lab or class. Expensive jeans not hemmed for flats scraping the dirt form the sidewalk. These are many examples of how horribly the women of Philadelphia dress. I am absolutely certain that the TV show “What Not to Wear” can film at a minimum 30 to 40 episodes in Phatadelphia. I cannot even forgive the students who study in Philly for their lack of style. Even students I believe should learn the basics in how to present themselves in public. And please don’t tell me ladies that your feet hurt and that is why you wear $2 flip-flops with expensive dresses. You do more harm to your feet by switching from those heels that kill your feet to the other extreme; flats with no support. I was at Christian and 9th Street one day eating at Sabrina’s, and my friend saw a horrific look on my face. I told them that I was absolutely disgusted to see the FOUR, yes FOUR bridesmaids all wearing strapless dresses but having white tan lines. I believe it is an insult to the bride by not paying enough attention to your skin by having tan lines in what will be a photo that will be cherished forever by the bride. Am I the only one who thinks it is insulting to the bride & groom? Now imagine my surprise when a Philadelphian told me that tan lines were sexy. Sexy? In what country? “How are tan lines sexy?” I asked her. To that she replied, “It shows they were in the sun and probably have color.” Hmmmmmm……..I”m not buying it. It is wrong no matter what. Now my biggest pet peeve is the following. Women who pay over $160 for a pair of jeans at Charlie’s, hemmed for their heels, but wearing them with flats and scraping up the dog urine, spit, soda, and Wawa iced tead from the sidewalks. When I asked a woman why she didn’t hem them for her flats, she cried out “I paid almost $200 for these jeans, I can’t afford two pairs.” Really? Not buying it. The money is there, student or not. But I have seen more style from poor Italians in Napoli than rich Philadelphians. I guess at the end of the day, I should have had much lower standards for Philadelphia. My expectations were high for what is the 5th largest city in the richest country in the world. Unfortunately, with very few exceptions (and they are usually from Europe or via NYC), they all lack fashion savvy. And who ever said that it was OK for women to display their bras in Philly? Is it too much to ask that your shirt strap covers the bra strap. I can understand if the two straps are lined up and they separate a bit, but come on! Showing the bra on the side of your breast under a loose top is a huge fashion faux-pas. And a cross back support on your top with a regular strap bra is a no-no too. And just because you wear flip-flops in the city does not mean you can wear a bikini to match. Save it for the beach. In the name of the fashion gods, please learn how to dress Philly! UGH!

by nigwisht Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at 07:14AM Report as inappropriate

I'm not even from any of these places, but this is kind of insulting.

by Chris213 Sunday, September 30, 2012 at 06:01PM Report as inappropriate

hahaha ugly according to who???

by lisiana_de_bem_justino Saturday, April 28, 2012 at 07:59PM Report as inappropriate


by Nicole2814 Sunday, January 29, 2012 at 07:46PM Report as inappropriate

lol love this post it was hilarious.

by stephgal Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 09:14PM Report as inappropriate

Just a little harsh on some of those.

by taryn.romero Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 12:44PM Report as inappropriate

this is so mean! lol

by kenya Monday, April 11, 2011 at 09:45AM Report as inappropriate

uh. stupid.

by yckitsmary Sunday, April 10, 2011 at 01:32PM Report as inappropriate

The ranking science behind this article is a little silly but it was still a fun read. I can see where people might get offended if they city they are from and/or love is on this list but then it's important to remember that beauty is subjective and often times totally random. It's importnat to note that some of the world's most beautiful actresses and models come from cities that are considered "Meccas of ugly." Nothing in here is valid...pure entertainment.

by crownjules Monday, January 10, 2011 at 06:33PM Report as inappropriate

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