Beauty Tips
The Virgo Beauty Edit: 10 Commandments for Looking Effortlessly Polished
We like to think of the new year as a fresh start, a new beginning, a rebirth, a time when anything and everything is possible....yeah alright, we'll admit, this all sounds annoying, but we need to believe it, don't we? Not just for the fact that it helps us sleep sounder most nights, but because it inspires us to make changes for the better. When we wipe the slate clean and create new, manageable goals, all that old "I can't do it" baggage gets tossed aside (for at least a month) and we can start making the subtle health and beauty, financial, personal or whatever other changes we need to make in order to feel better in the coming years.
Scroll down to start a quiz that'll help you discover the health and beauty changes you should make this year.
This is about healthy optimism though, not denial. So although you likely already have a laundry list of things you could change, let's be realistic this year, shall we ladies? In order to do that, let's focus on just one or two reasonable health and beauty goals. So instead of believing we can get back to our pre-college weight or make our skin look the way it did before puberty hit, let's take baby steps. Grand delusions only cause failure and frustration.
To help you pare down that resolution list and get to the bottom of exactly which health and beauty changes you should and can make this year, we designed this quiz, which starts below. Not only will it help you decide what resolution to focus on, it will steer you in the right direction by showing you how to tackle your health and beauty goals pragmatically -- once and for all.
Question 1 of 8
How many New Year's Resolutions did you make last year?