Quiz: Do You Need to Spring Clean Your Skin Care Routine?
Take this quiz to find out if your regimen needs a seasonal tweak
After enduring winter's snowstorms, cold snaps and bone-dry air, we welcome spring's arrival. But daffodils and sunshine aren't the only reasons we get excited for spring; the warm season is a breath of fresh air for our skin care regimens. We can chuck the thick creams and greasy balms we needed to protect our traumatized skin in winter for lighter, less intense products -- that is, if you've been taking proper care of your skin. If you've been going about your regimen the wrong way, then you may still require some special TLC as you transition to spring. Take the quiz to find out what spring skin care product you need.
Question 1 of 5
Question 1: If I invest in a new beauty product this spring, it will be ...