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Latina women have a reputation for being gutsy, passionate and full of life -- and these influential figures prove that Latina women are full of wisdom, as well. Growing up as a Latina woman affords one a certain, special perspective -- on beauty, self-acceptance, family and success -- but everyone can learn something valuable from these inspiring quotes from A-list actresses, musicians and other high-powered Latina women.

Filling your day with motivational quotes, whether they're sweeping, uplifting quotes about life or short inspirational quotes about body image, can help broaden your world and fill it with positivity. Especially when these wise words come from women you can relate to. That's why we put together this list of inspiring quotes from some of the most talented, luminous Latina women on the planet. Get ready for Shakira, Salma Hayek and Sonia Sotomayor -- and more fierce female role models -- to become your personal life coaches. Here, our favorite inspirational quotes from Latina women to scrawl all over your bathroom mirror.
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