This Is the Manicure You Should Get, Based on Your Astrological Sign
4 Yoga Poses That'll Kick Your Butt Into ShapeTry these booty-blasting yoga poses to strengthen your backside |
Start in a low lunge. Place your hands on the ground, shoulder-width distance apart, and step your right foot in between your hands. Extend your left leg straight back with your toes tucked.
Then, slowly rise up to crescent lunge: Lift your torso off your right leg, lift your chest up and reach your arms up, with your fingertips pointing towards the sky. Maintain the placement of your feet: Keep your right knee stacked over your right ankle and keep your back heel lifted.
Now, bring your hands to heart center. Exhale and bend your back knee to 90 degrees so that it's hovering over the floor. Inhale and press back up. Do this on both sides.
Image via @hollismtuttle