Fast-Food Burgers If you've seen the popular documentary Super Size Me, you're probably familiar with the laundry list of reasons why fast food, a la McDonald's and Burger King, is bad for your health. One 2012 study by the University of Calgary even found that the effects of eating high-fat, or fast, foods is apparent in as little as a few hours.
Blood pressure levels also spike after eating a high fat-meal. "Fast foods are packed with sodium, which affects water retention, and increases blood pressure and heart rate, putting a lot of stress on the heart," says Sherry Ross, M.D., OB/GYN and women's health expert at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California. "Highly salty foods start to negatively affect the healthy functioning of blood vessels within 30 minutes."
Instead, Dr. Ross recommends making fresh, low-fat meats, chicken and fish your top choices of protein for healthy calories. "The best 'value' in a fast food meal is removing it completely from your diet."
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