The Fashion Spot Momtastic


  • Getting Out of a Makeup Rut

  • Posted by Sarah on November 25, 2008 at 05:06PM
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  • I'll admit it: Lately, I've been in a bit of a makeup rut. Since I've started working out in the mornings, I've had very little time to get ready before work so I just reach for the same, easy-to-use products. It's not a bad look but I could definitely stand to shake things up a bit.

  • It's one thing when you realize this yourself, because it's pretty easy to change -- just throw a new eyeshadow or lip color into your routine. But what if you've noticed someone else is in a makeup rut; what do you do? This topic was a recent discussion on our message boards and you guys had some good advice -- I love the idea of taking someone to the department store makeup counter for a makeover.

  • I'm wondering if anyone else has ideas to get themselves or someone else out of a makeup rut. Please share by clicking on "comments" below.

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