• Step onto the center of your Thera Band and pick up the ends of the band in each hand.
• Crisscross the band so each end is in the opposite hand.
• Stand up tall and take 15 large steps to the right.
• Reverse directions and take 15 large steps to the left.
Note: Make sure that as you step out to the side, your feet are not turned in or out. If you have a mirror in front of you, you shouldn't be able to see you heels. This will protect your knees, says Borden.
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Best Butt Workouts: Bridging
• Lay on the floor face up with your knees bend and feet flat on the ground. Hands at your sides.
• Place your ball between your knees and hold it there tightly using your inner thighs.
• Tighten your abs and glutes and lift your pelvis off the ground toward the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds.
• Repeat the bridge lift 20-40 times total until you really feel your glutes burning.
• When you reach your last rep, squeeze the ball that's between your legs 20 times to activate your inner thigh muscles even more.
• Do two minutes of cardio and repeat this set of butt works (all six moves) three more times.
Butt workouts are one of the most worthwhile physical endeavors you can undertake. Not only does a toned butt help ensure that you aren't placing undue strain on your knees or back, but it leaves a lasting impression whenever you walk away.
To make your rear view is one worth doing a double-take over, add these six butt workouts, courtesy of fitness and lifestyle consultant Ashley Borden, to your routine. Aim to do four sets of these easy-to-follow butt exercises two to three times a week.
The best part about this butt workout is, it doesn't require fancy gym machines so you can do it pretty much anywhere -- at home, at a park or at the gym. Bonus: Most of these moves also work your legs. So don't be surprised if your hamstrings, inner thighs and quads also feel the burn as you do these.