Beat Frizz For Good: See What Treatments and Products Helped Me Finally Get Sleeker, Smoother Hair

Posted 08/05/10 at 04:58PM by Susan Yara

The quality I chose was ... my hair. And since then my long, thick, wavy hair has gone through a lot. It's been permed (from the late '80s to mid '90s), dyed more times than I can count, cut short, feathered, layered, bobbed ... you name it, I've probably done it -- well, except a pixie cut or going platinum.
And because my hair has miraculously stood up to all the various torture treatments I've put it through, I've become a semi-pro at styling it. But, one issue remains, one that constantly leaves me feeling defeated. What is it? Frizz. I absolutely can't go an entire day with perfectly sleek, smooth strands -- unless I have my hair done at a salon, of course.
So a year ago, I decided to ask my hairstylist for suggestions on how to tame my frizz beast once and for all. His first suggestion was to get a Brazilian Blow Out (otherwise known as a Keratin treatment). It's a chemical treatment that smoothes the hair shaft to make it easier to blow out and straighten for a few months at a time. Read the facts about it here.
But because I wasn't ready to go-steady with the Brazilian just yet, he gave me these frizz-fighting tips:
TIP 1: Have your hair trimmed regularly to minimize split ends -- they make hair frizz up.
Tip 2: When blow drying your hair straight, always apply a smoothing hair product like Chi Straight Guard Smoothing Styling Cream, $24.50 and use the nozzle attachment your hairdryer came with. Also, always point your hairdryer downward so your hair dries flat and smooth.
Tip 3: If you plan to let your hair air dry -- DO NOT touch it until it's completely dry. After washing your hair, lightly towel dry it and apply a de-frizzing product like Frederic Fekkai Coiff Perfecteur Anti-Frizz Silkening Creme, $25. Then hands off, especially if it's a humid day.
Tip 4: Keep hair hydrated (dry, over-processed hair equals frizzy hair) by not washing it every day (cleansing too often strips hair of natural oils) and limiting heat styling to a few times a week. And use a deep conditioner once a week to restore moisture.
These tricks have kept my frizz in check -- and my favorite physical quality looking fabulous. Bet those awful classmates wouldn't tease me now ...

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Awesome tips and tricks!
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thank youuuu for the tips
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thank youuuu for the tips
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Thank you for these tips. My hair annoys me on a daily basis. It just gets so big no matter what products I try to tame it with. I'm definitely trying these.
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I wish my hair were wavier, or straighter... I'd love to get my hair chemically straightened again, but it's so expensive!
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