Emergency Makeup for Tired Skin (SLIDESHOW)
I'm getting a little old to pull all-nighters. In fact, just staying up past 11 p.m. does a number on me, and the next day my skin will protest by looking sallow, dull, and blemished. Makes sense, since getting enough sleep and staying hydrated are rules to live by when it comes to looking good. But hey, sometimes life gets in the way and you just need to fake it.

Luckily, I've nailed down a routine that really does make you look fresh-faced and alert when you're anything but. Each time I've relied on these tips, someone at the office has said, "You look really good today," or, "Your skin looks great! Did you do something different?" So clearly, it's working.

Next time you find yourself looking wiped, buy yourself some face time with this quick-fix makeup routine -- at least until you have time to take a power nap!

See the steps -- beginning with prepping the skin ...

by Charli Schuler
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