Why My Friend and I Feel Bad About Our Necks
Teri Hatcher and Jamie Lee Curtis can talk about embracing the aging process all they want, but that's not going to keep me from missing my former wrinkle-free, sag-less face. Sorry sisters. Just keeping it real.

And, while I'm all for loving yourself and feeling good in your own skin, that doesn't mean that I have to be happy with the current state of mine. Oh, and I'm not alone. Check out this IM chat I had with my friend "SandCat" the other day... (Don't worry, I told her I was going to do this, so we're cool.)

Sandcat: I feel bad about my neck.
Me: Um, isn't that a Nora Ephron book?
Sandcat: Yeah, but that doesn't mean that she's the only one who does.
Me: Good point. What's up?
Sandcat: I saw a picture of myself at Michael's wedding and my face looked decent, but my neck looked like the freaking crypt keeper. But, WTH can you do to your neck?? Get a neck lift? It's so depressing. Sigh.
Me: Funny you're bringing this up. I asked Dr. Saperstein about this same thing a couple of months ago when he burned that mole off my shoulder. He explained that the skin on our necks is different from the skin on our faces. Something about how it has little-to-no fatty tissue and fewer sebaceous glands so it dries out more quickly and gets all crepey. And, there was something else about how the muscle in the neck isn't connected to any bones so it's more prone to lose its firmness. Don't I sound like I know what I'm talking about? ☺
Sandcat: Totally. Not that it's making me feel any better.
Me: I know. Sorry. But he did also tell me that most creams that are specific for the neck are a waste of money. He says that women need to concentrate on moisturizing their necks the same way they do their faces and, of course, in typical derm manner, lectured me about making sure to slather my neck in sunscreen everyday too.
Sandcat: So, that's it? The same face cream and sunblock?
Me: Well, he did recommend (and of course I bought) one neck-specific cream called Nectifirm. It wasn't crazy expensive, $60 -- I think. It's supposed to have some proven ingredients that firm up and tighten droopy neck skin. I've been using it and my neck does feel more toned. Oh, and you're supposed to exfoliate too.
Sandcat: Maybe I'll start shaving my neck the way Caroline on the "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" does.
Me: Ha! Hey, did you hear that Teresa makes less than all the other HW of NJ??

And...we digressed (degenerated?) into Housewife gossip.

I have to admit that it makes me feel less shallow that others are equally as dissatisfied with their various body parts as I am with mine. But, with a tip of my hat to Teri and Jamie Lee, I'm really not obsessing and am remembering that there's more to life than the pursuit of a waggle-free neck. I really am. Honest.

So, most neck creams may be a waste of money, find out which other unnecessary skin care products you may be frittering your hard earned cash away on.

And, while you're at it, why not consult the handy dandy Skin Matrix to learn about ways to combat the signs of aging that are nagging you!
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