The Healthy Hair Diet That's Going to Undo Some Damage
As anyone who reads My Beauty Life with any regularity knows, I've been having some hair issues. First I jumped on the "Pixie" bandwagon and then I dyed it red myself (not a good idea to dye highlighted hair at home unless you really know what you're doing -- I do not).

Now, in an effort to get my hair to grow and to undo some of the chemical damage incurred during the "let's fix this mess" coloring process, I've embarked on the Healthy Hair Diet. That's right, as penance for all the wrongs I've caused it, I'm officially eating well and taking vitamins to promote healthy hair.

Before you roll your eyes, you need to know that this is not some crazy, flight of fancy. In fact, Natasha Sunshine, the owner of the awesome Byu-Ti Salon in Santa Monica, Calif., says that her eating plan will "not only help the texture and growth of your hair thrive to its maximum potential, it'll keep you looking great and full of energy." What convinced me to embark on the plan for the recommended month-long trial was that Sunshine herself lopped off her hair a year and a half ago and it's already grown back to several inches below her shoulders. (Plus, she looks all around fab.)

Here are the key points of the hair diet:

• Limit whole grain intake to just morning meal.
• Have two high-protein snacks a day.
• Rice and beans can substitute for a protein.
• Cheese with dinner or lunch is acceptable.
• Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. (Read more about that here.)
• Take Bio-Niu supplement each day.

Simple, right? The supplement in question is one that Sunshine arrived at herself and it's best described as "a collaboration of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs containing the vital nutrients to build stronger, radiant hair. The combination of folic acid, biotin and calcium will expedite growth and promote healthy, shiny, beautiful hair." The best part is that it's not outrageously expensive, just $33 as you can see here.

I'm on day five today which means that there are only 25 more to go before I'll awaken to behold my newly revived, fabulous head of hair. OK, I'm not getting my hopes (too far) up, but, again, Natasha Sunshine looks fabulous so maybe there's a chance it'll work wonders for me too. Stay tuned ...
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