How I Really Feel About Blue Nail Polish
I'm not necessarily the arbiter of good taste, but because I happen to be extremely opinionated (and convinced that I'm nearly always right), I tend to make unilateral decisions when it comes to certain beauty trends.

For instance, if you ask me, glitter is for tweens, showgirls and Pink. Period. Purple, striped or green hair? Ditto. And, don't even get me started on this blue nail craze.

Actually, let's do get me started on this blue nail craze and, with apologies to "Glamour" magazine, I'll offer up my very own "Dos" and "Don'ts" on the subject:

If you insist on wearing blue nail polish ...

DO: Make sure that your hands are well manicured. Blue nails on raggedy, chewed up nails evoke something in the morgue. Not pretty. (Unless it's Halloween.)

DO: Opt for an age-appropriate hue. Ke$ha and Katy Perry can pull off baby blue or aquamarine because they're gamine rockers. Katie Couric and, say, Angelina Jolie cannot because, well, they're grown ups.

Women of a certain age who're hell bent on trying the trend should stick to the darker end of the spectrum with something like OPI's Light My Sapphire.

DON'T go on a job interview. Call me old-fashioned but, unless, you're vying for a position at Wet Seal, go with a more sedate color (sheer pink is perfect).

DO: Try it on your toes first. If you hate it, or feel self-conscious, you can always wear shoes. (And be grateful that fall is upon us.)

DON'T: Ask me for my opinion. Because I really don't like to lie.
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