Reader Q&A: "Do I Really Need a Nighttime Skin Care Regimen?"
A Total Beauty reader named Cathy wrote in to ask what I think a lot of women in their late thirties and early forties (and beyond) wonder: "I am about to turn 40, do I really need a nighttime skin care regimen?" The answer to that is a resounding YES.

A good regimen that includes quality products tailored to your specific needs will help keep your skin looking healthy, youthful, and beautiful. It's important to remember that it takes products a while to work, so resist the urge to switch from a new serum to a new cream with abandon; give your existing formulas a chance to get the job done (and save yourself mega bucks at the same time).

What specifically should a 35/40-something woman's regimen look like? Here's a peek at mine:

I start by washing my face to remove makeup and dirt with a gentle cleanser (I like Caudalie Gentle Cleanser, $26.) Afterwards, I apply Olay Professional Pro-X Wrinkle Smoothing Cream, $36, to my face. It contains ingredients that help stimulate skin cells to help them regenerate and reveal fresher, younger-looking skin. Ingredients to look for? Retinols, niacinamide, and lactic acid -- they all work to accelerate skin turnover.

I also use Clinique Anti-Gravity Firming Eye Lift Cream, $36. A lot of people say that eye creams are a rip off and that you should just apply your facial treatment to your entire face. I find that the anti-aging ingredients are too harsh for my sensitive eye area, so I go for a cream that's specifically designed to be used near the eyes.

My final step is applying product to my neck and decolletage. (I love Osmotics Necollete Age Reversal for Neck and Chest, $77.) I used to forget to pay attention to my neck -- then I saw a photograph of myself that revealed scary sags and I snapped to attention. Mine is a strictly "No Waddle Zone."

And, that's it. A simple four-step routine that addresses my skin's needs and, hopefully, will keep it looking decent for years to come.

If you're concerned with aging skin, check out this expert video for tips on preventing fine lines and wrinkles.
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