Ever heard the saying "stress is written all over your face?" Well, turns out it's not just a saying. Stress
can be all over your face -- namely in the forms of wrinkles, sunken cheeks and a sallow skin tone. According to New York City dermatologist David Goldberg, MD, when a person becomes stressed, the hormone cortisol rises causing skin to become oily, red and aged. Just take a look at anyone under the gun, like President Obama. Pre-pres he had fewer grays and a plumper, younger-looking face. Now? Well, it's safe to say his current job status has caused him to age a little faster than the norm. And, it's not just our commander-in-chief who suffers the effects of stress -- it really
can make you ugly -- see proof. So what can you do about it? As a devoted beauty girl, I'm happy to report that there are a few lifestyle tricks that'll keep you looking good no matter what your stress level. Here they are...
Wash in cool temps Here's the deal: When you're stressed, your skin is more likely to become inflamed. Hotter water temperatures can increase this and cause inflammation (no, thanks!), so be sure to shower and wash your face in cooler water.
Hydrate Yeah, you know water is a good thing. But it's even more of a good thing when you're under fire. Water helps flush your body clean and keep stressed-induced acne under control. So chug, chug, chug.
Cut the caffeine Whether you're stressed about exams or trying to meet a deadline (did you get your taxes in yesterday?!), caffeine may help you get an instant energy boost, but it also robs your skin of moisture and makes it look even more sunken in. Limit yourself to one cup if it's a must and have it before 11 AM so skin can rebound during the day.
Pump it up Ever heard of
Soul Cycle? It's a popular spin class in New York City. Anyway, I say there's a reason it's called that -- exercise really does help your soul. And it's not just me who says so. There's good 'ol science that shows how it helps increase circulation and release positive endorphins, which help you feel calmer.
Each of these solutions will help you get a grip on your stress-induced beauty issues. And, hey, in the meantime, you can always slap on a little extra lipstick to boost your mood.
One of my major stresses is clutter. Here's how to
overhaul your makeup bag with all spring's necessities.