Madonna's Natural Beauty Leaked with Un-Retouched Photos
Posted on September 29, 2010, 4:37 PM
Photo Courtesy of: Dolce & Gabbana
The ad images, un-retouched and un-Photoshopped, reveal the pop icon for who she is: a 52-year-old mother with sallow skin, wrinkles and rather unsightly veins.
This is the fourth time Madonna's un-retouched images have leaked -- this year. While the differences between the pictures are undeniable, the raw footage may actually put Madonna in a better lighting -- namely, a lighting that's real. Her natural beauty is undeniable in pre-production pictures that "leaked." So I beg the question, which do you like better?
Perhaps it's time for beauty magazines to feature celebrities as real women. Stop dismembering them, lengthening them, whitening them and deleting their age with each mouse click on Photoshop. The fact of the matter is we're not perfect. With all the negative whiplash that the beauty world receives for featuring celebrities with unattainable body proportions, maybe it's time to celebrate the beauty that's found in the imperfections.
Hollywood has gone too far with their beauty ideals (Heidi Montag being the epitome of plastic surgery's unfortunate Barbie results), and perhaps now is the time to embrace natural beauty. We can start with this generation's pop icon. She is 52-years-old. She is allowed a wrinkle here and there. This is who she is. This is Madonna, muscles, veins and all.
By Sharon J. Yi