The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Aveeno Baby Continuous Protection Lotion Sunscreen with Broad Spectrum SPF 55

18 Best and Worst Sunscreens

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  • 10

    I don't have kids but use it for my fair sensitive skin!

    Having ultra-fair skin and living in Los Angeles, I use a lot of sunblock! My skin is also extremely sensitive, so even though I don't have kids, I decided to try this, thinking, if it's gentle enough for babies it should work for me. It does! While it's true that it doesn't absorb quite as quickly as some, give it a few seconds and it will soak in to a non-sticky finish. I like that it doesn't moreve a strong scent, and it doesn't smell like I raided someone's diaper bag! The scent is very neutral. I also like that it's packaged in a stand-up tube, which makes it easy to dispense and apply, as well as easy to tell when I'm running low.
    LAGlamRGrl | 39 reviews

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  • 9 Best Sunscreens for Your Face

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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    Goes on smoothly, non-greasy, not heavy, and works well to prevent sunburns.
    sisleyceli | 44 reviews

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