The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Conair Ionic Turbo Styler

10 Best Hair Dryers

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  • 4

    Haven't even owned a year and heat setting broke

    Was styling my daughter's hair for Oktoberfest and the stupid thing quit working on heated setting. Only blows out cold air.
    faeriekitty | 8 reviews

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  • 1

    no no no and no

    cheap it takes forever to dry and it burns out in about a month. dont waste your time.
    VintageGlamourG | 25 reviews

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  • 3

    Not Impressed

    I have thick hair and it takes like 2 hours for it to fully dry. This doesn't shorten my dry time at all. You might as well get a cheaper one because it will probably work just as well. I wonder if it is really ionic..
    edavis1003 | 1 reviews

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