
Do you have one of those friends who, like you, leads an incredibly over-committed, frantic, no-time-for-herself life but, unlike you, always manages to look put-together and perfectly groomed? I do. And I hate her. Well, that's not entirely true…

I need to confess something; at this very moment, I have a genuine, honest to goodness suntan. One from that big ball in the sky, and not from a tube. It was an accident, I swear but, yep -- I'm brown as can be. Here's how it happened. I was playing…

Get the straightforward answers you've been wanting to hear from Ariel Ostad, M.D..
Let's face it. In these crazy times, when you're barely able to squeeze in a Starbucks run, let alone a half-hour wait in a doctor's office, seeing a dermatologist can feel on par with sailing off on your yacht or taking the helicopter to work.…

I may not be the target demo, but I have to admit that I like "Gossip Girl." And, it's not just because Chace Crawford is a babe (Meow!) and I went to private school in New York City. Nope. I like GG (as the kids call it) because of Blake Lively.…

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