Even though it irks the heck out of me when people post lame "T.G.I.F." status updates on Facebook, I'll admit that sometimes that's precisely my sentiment. But, while many of those FB friends are undoubtedly heading out to [insert favorite bar -- as long as it's not Hooters -- here], to ring in the weekend, my dream destination is my bathroom. Because he knows this about me, my oh-so-kind…
When it comes to putting myself in uncomfortable or awkward positions in the pursuit of maintaining a modicum of attractiveness, I'm a trooper. I've had injections, lasers wielded at my face, hot wax smeared on places hot wax really doesn't belong and my body pummeled by a Brazilian deep tissue aficionado who is clearly a sadist. But, for all of my bravery and willingness to experiment with…
When my daughter, Sophia, turned 8 last March, she decided that she wanted to invite six of her closest friends over for a DIY party. And, if I may say so myself, it was a smashing success -- despite the fact it should have been called DIM as in; Do It Mom, and that my dining room floor still has glitter embedded into the hardwood. In researching fun, affordable and useful projects for the girls…
I gained 96 lbs. when I was pregnant. Yes. You read that correctly. Ninety. Six. Pounds. Sure, I had twins, but still, I pretty much doubled myself during those TEN months of gestation. Happily, with breastfeeding them -- they never had a bottle -- (not that I'm pulling a Giselle here) the pounds seemed to literally melt away. Plus, with two babies to nurse, change and put to sleep, who the heck…
If my husband had even the foggiest notion of how much of our hard-earned cash I fritter away on trying to look good, he might have a small cow. Scratch that. He'd have a big, honking moose. But, what's a girl to do? There are just some things that you simply cannot scrimp on. And, what's interesting to me is that we all have different ideas of what's splurge-worthy. My friend Whitney, for…
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