
There are two things I hate about the arrival of fall. First, I hate that my DVR box will only record two TV shows at one time. That means I have to choose between "Gossip Girl," "Dancing With the Stars," "The Event" (yes, the first episode hooked me) and "House." Second, I hate going from bronzed queen to pasty princess (it feels like a total demotion). I know ... I have a hard life. Anyway, I…

I love taking trips ... in fact, I thrive on them. There are so many experiences to be had when you're in a different place. And the fact that I can hop on an airplane, and hours later, arrive in a whole different country still blows my mind. That's why I hate to complain about the toll that riding an airplane takes on my skin -- it dries it out and exposes it to even more UV rays than usual…

Ok, when the world is falling down around us, it may be kind of silly to even string the words "beauty" and "emergency" together so for the purposes of this article, let's refer to things like accidentally cutting your bangs too short or cracking a nail minutes before your wedding as "snafus." K? Now that we've gotten that settled, I'm going to share my four most frequent SNAFUS and how I've…

My mom has been a travel writer for about 30 years, which means that, growing up, my brother, sister and I got to join her and my dad (a lawyer/travel photographer) on some pretty cool adventures. It also means that she thinks she knows everything there is to know about hitting the road -- from how to score an upgrade to precisely what to pack -- and, to that end, we each always had a hanging…

The best thing about being a woman of "a certain age" is that I don't get zits anymore. Gone are the battles with blemishes and, for that, I'm totally stoked. What I'm not particularly tickled by, however, is how all of a sudden the years of havoc I've wreaked on my skin are starting to take their toll. My complexion is mottled as a result of too many hours clocked baking in the sun. I honestly…

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