Expert Q&A: Your Questions About Summer Hairstyles Answered

Posted 06/03/11 at 06:11AM by Audrey Fine

Question: I'm going to a wedding next month in Alabama and it's going to be HOT -- what's a good updo that will look pretty but not too frumpy and help keep me cool? -- Ashley T.
Charles: "Anything placed high on the head does great things for cheekbones and keeps a neck nice and cool. Undone Ballerina buns are great. You can also add in the braided trend to this for extra security. Start with a high ponytail, lightly backcomb the hair. Separate 3 sections and braid hair loosely leaving imperfect pieces, wrap around the base of the ponytail and secure in with pins. Spray with a light but slightly strong finishing spray like Body Envy from Herbal Essences, $6.48."
Question: I love the look of the "undone bun" what's the best way to wear this style? -- Whitney B.
Charles: "See the above instructions, but also remember that less is more and don't try too hard. A ponytail makes a great base, you can also wrap the ponytail around itself once you've backcombed it. Secure with pins loosely. Remember to start bigger than you want, you can always make it smaller and hair will usually settle."
Question: What should I do with my bangs when I wear my hair in an updo? -- Sophia T.
Charles: "I love the look of bangs with a simple sleek updo to frame the face -- polish them with a boar bristle round brush. If you want them off the face try a sweet braid or twist back and pin."
Question: Is there a modern way to braid hair and not look like a little girl with pigtails? -- Lilly S.
Charles: "The best way to do this is to pick a side to go to. And leave hair a little loose and undone."
Question: What's your favorite hairstyle for hot, sticky, summer days? -- Brenda F.
Charles: "Honestly, I love the natural progression of hair on hot summer days. I love the look of undone, air-dried waves, I also love what happens when it comes down from being wrapped up. What happens in this process is that the hair is straighter around the face and the body and wave is left in the ends of the hair -- this draws attention to bone structure and the imperfections make the hair look approachable and sexy. Using a cream like Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship, $4, to smooth flyaway hairs is great and starting with a well hydrated base from the shower like Herbal's newly reformulated Hello Hydration makes sure hair stays soft and shiny."
For a cute idea for a frizz-resistant summer style, watch Total Look video host Rebekah's how-to. And for more advice from our many My Beauty Life experts, click here.

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When it is hot out I always feel gross when my bangs stick to my forehead ick.
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I live in pony tails and buns in the summer!
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i love herbal essences!
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very good tips
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I love these ideas for when im cheering outside for pratice in the icky weather!
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