The Fashion Spot Momtastic

My Favorite Sunscreens for Every Occasion

Posted 06/08/11 at 09:27AM by Rebekah George

My mother got me into the habit of wearing sunscreen from a very young age and I have to thank her because, as a result, my skin is in really good shape.

Of course, you don't have to be a molecular biologist to know that there is nothing better you can do for your skin than wear sunscreen -- you hear dermatologists talk about that indisputable fact all the time. Even if you think it's too late because you spent your teens baking your bod in baby oil all summer or if you hate wearing sunscreen because it feels gooey and makes your skin look pasty, listen up. There are so many options today that there really is something for everyone.

This year there are a few new kids on the block (the sun block, get it?) that really have me excited and more than willing to reapply. Here are a few you've gotta check out.

For Swimming: Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock, $11, cuts through water so you can apply directly to wet skin without have to dry off first. Call it a breakthrough, because there really is no such thing as waterproof sunscreen. Seriously, you've been lied to all these years. So once you apply this to wet or dry skin, it forms a breathable protective barrier that visibly repels water.

For Pregnancy: Belli Anti-Chloasma Facial Sunscreen, $24. Sun-induced chloasma or "the mask of pregnancy," affects up to 70 percent of pregnant women. That's reason no. 432 sunscreen is a must. But this bad boy is specifically designed for mamas-to-be because it's non-teratogenic (won't harm your unborn child) so you can feel safe wearing this while pregnant.

For The Work Week: MDSolarSciences Mineral Screen Tinted Gel SPF 30+, $24. Great for the environment and your skin, this great tinted gel works well alone or under moisturizer or foundation. For the eco-minded, it also doesn't have any added chemical actives and even gets the thumbs up from the very-hard-to-impress Environmental Working Group.

For Your Kids: Dr Robin for Kids, $24, is the brainchild of Beverly Hills dermatologist Dr. Robin Schaffran. It has SPF 30+ and provides immediate protection without irritating chemicals, parabens, phthalates or fragrance and it soaks in without leaving the icky, sticky residue that kids (and we big kids) hate.

For The Beach: Hawaiian Tropic Shimmer Effect Sunscreen Lotion SPF 40, $15. If you want a glow, this is the way to go. This sunscreen protects your skin, but also has built in bronzer and shimmer so you get the look of a faux glow, so you can feel great in your bikini.

For The Trophy Case: Vichy Capital Soleil Soft Sheer Sunscreen Lotion SPF 30, $27.50, this is my favorite of 2011. It's made with Mexoryl, a beauty industry favorite for blocking aging rays. It's also oil-free, which is great for face and body on a daily basis. It also now comes in SPF 30, which is what derms recommend you wear on a daily basis.

And, For When You Hate Sunscreen: Coppertone Foaming Lotion Oil-Free Sunscreen Lotion SPF 70, $14.99. I know, you hate applying sunscreen because it's hard to spread or it's thick and gooey. Believe me, I've heard every excuse. So this may be your solution. You apply it like a mousse so it's easy to spread on your body. It's also foolproof so even your beauty novice BF could get it right.

OK, so there you have 'em -- all my favorites sunscreens for every occasion. And, if you want expert hair and makeup tips on how to look beautiful when it's sweltering outside, check out this Total Look video.
And the survey says...
1-6 of 10 Comments
  • Posted by EricaC123 on 04/13/13 at 03:27pm


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  • Posted by beautybody on 03/26/12 at 10:54am

    I want to try the foaming sunsreen. It sounds light and that it wouldn't be sticky.

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  • Posted by powerwoman033 on 03/13/12 at 12:13am

    I have very fair skin and using sunscreen is the most important anti-aging thing I do. I like the Neutrogena Dry Touch sunscreen.

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  • Posted by taryn.romero on 10/05/11 at 12:35pm

    I love sunscreen. I wouldn't be without it because it's such a cheap and easy way to protect yourself against skin cancer.

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  • Posted by Tayy on 08/26/11 at 04:48pm

    i really don't use sun screen but i should take it to consideration i don't want to end up with my face in a not soo good shape

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  • Posted by ladyboarder9669 on 06/25/11 at 09:19am

    I'm loving Aveeno's Spray Sunblock. Goes on so easily and isn't sticky or greasy.

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