The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Hi, My Name Is Audrey, and I'm a Body Wash Convert

Posted 10/28/11 at 06:35AM by Audrey Fine

I've always been a "soap-in-the-shower" kind of girl. Give me my yellow bar soap and I'm good to go. So what if it dries out my skin? A post-wash date with a rich, creamy moisturizer is one of life's simple pleasures.

The hiccup is that as I've gotten older, I've begun to notice icky dry patches on my thighs and the backs of my arms that no amount -- or kind -- of emollient seems to be able to penetrate. And, because I have sensitive skin, I've always been wary of sugar scrubs or any heavy-duty exfoliants. So, yeah, I decided to give body wash a chance. I figured I didn't have anything but unattractive lizard skin to lose.

Of course, if you've been in a drugstore lately, you know that there are no fewer than 20,000 body washes to choose from. So, in order to save myself a panic attack (and 20 minutes) I called my product-loving best friend, Whitney, for a recommendation.

Whit had sworn up, down, and around that after one date with Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Advanced Anti-Aging Body Wash, $7.99, I'd be a convert and would relegate the yellow bars of soap to my husband's shower.

Evidently, the wash contains all sorts of B-vitamins and promises smoother, younger, more radiant-looking skin. And wouldn't you know, Whit was right -- this stuff works! Now, for the first time in recent memory, I'm not paranoid about my parched, crepey arms grossing out innocent passersby when I wear short sleeves. And my thighs really do feel silky and supple again.

Have any get-smooth skin tricks of your own to share with the masses? Or, like me, are you concerned that your sensitive skin can't handle anything too aggressive? Stop by the Sensitive Skin Clinic to see what might just work wonders for you!
And the survey says...
1-6 of 9 Comments
  • Posted by EricaC123 on 12/30/12 at 06:18am


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  • Posted by beautybody on 03/25/12 at 10:17pm

    I love philosophy body wash. The scents are intoxicating.

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  • Posted by geli_an on 03/23/12 at 05:56am

    Olay Body wash are the best it also converted me from using soap! It smooth out rough skin, thats why i fell in love with it I sarted using bodywash 2 years ago and thats the best thing that ever happen to my skin, but now i am using Dove Soap and after that i exfoliates using Olay Bodywash, dove soap is very helpful in moisturizing my skin as well as Olay I just thought that if i combine the two my skin will be much softer. I will not stop using Olay Bodywash!

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  • Posted by geli_an on 03/23/12 at 05:56am

    Olay Body wash are the best it also converted me from using soap! It smooth out rough skin, thats why i fell in love with it I sarted using bodywash 2 years ago and thats the best thing that ever happen to my skin, but now i am using Dove Soap and after that i exfoliates using Olay Bodywash, dove soap is very helpful in moisturizing my skin as well as Olay I just thought that if i combine the two my skin will be much softer. I will not stop using Olay Bodywash!

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  • Posted by powerwoman033 on 03/15/12 at 11:21am

    I discovered the benefits of body wash a few years ago. I use a Philosophy 3 N 1 shower gel and not only do I get clean, but I am also moisturized at the end. When I used soap (even my beloved Dove) my skin always dried out! I discovered body exfoliation about a year ago and that has made the biggest difference in my skin. I use the Philosophy Micro-Delivery Exfoliating Body Wash (very gentle, yet effective) and after these 3 steps, my skin feels like silk!

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  • Posted by kiley_marie on 11/22/11 at 08:54am

    I have trouble finding ones that don't dry out my skin. thanks!

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