How I Clean My Makeup Brushes (The Right Way) [VIDEO]

Posted 10/04/11 at 11:52AM by Rebekah George
When you're a makeup maven like I am, your brushes get dirty with alarming regularity. While washing them may seem like a drag (and an expensive one at that), it's really important to help keep your skin smooth and blemish free. In the video below I offer up valuable tips on the best (money-saving) ways to wash your brushes and give pointers on what to do -- and what to avoid doing.

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I don't wash my brushes that often either, and I think I should, lol.
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I am guilty of not cleaning my brushes enough. I have some irrational fear that they won't feel the same afterwards and I am lazy too.
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Rebekah is fun to watch and her enthusiasm is contagious! These brush cleaning ideas are timely. I have some brushes that are amazing but I am not the best at cleaning them! I will be using the soap and water tonight! Thanks Again!
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thankyou! mine are nasty :/
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I like Rebekah! I have never seen videos of her before, but I love her attitude! As far as brushes are concerned, I only own 1 brush for my blush while I use the little sponge applicators that came with my Revlon eyeshadow as my eyeshadow brushes. I only use water to rinse them out as I thought it would be enough to rinse them out and apply my makeup again. I don't use my blush brush now since I now use my ELF all in one color stick as my blush and it saves me time. I think I'll use the soap and water idea instead. Thanks Rebekah! P.S.: I lol'ed at how dirty her brushes were when she put them in the cup of soap and water!
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