The Fashion Spot Momtastic

How I Create "Old Hollywood" Hair with Pin Curls

Total Beauty

Posted 10/25/10 at 07:25PM by Total Beauty

I know all the tricks ... use a large, round brush, section off hair, use a high-wattage blow dryer with a nozzle, yada, yada, yada. Still, all of my efforts to create high-volume hair always fall flat. Sound familiar? Well, I finally found a solution. My latest go-to styling method obsession for creating a DIY professional-looking blow out: pin curls. That's right, the technique Hollywood starlets used in the '40s and '50s.

Not only do I love pin curls because you get soft, tousled waves and volume, but they're also 3, 2, 1 simple. Here's how I do it:

Step 1: Start from the top of your head and create two-inch sections (the smaller the section, the tighter the curl). Then use a big, round brush to dry hair as normal. While your hair is still hot, wrap it tightly around your pointer and middle finger.

Step 2: Use large duckbill clips to hold the coil in place. These long, metal clips are like the Louboutins of hair clips -- they really keep your pin curls in place.

Step 3: Continue until your entire head is dried and pin curled. Lightly spritz hairspray over your whole head.

Step 4: If you do this in the a.m., finish by blow drying your pin curls on a cool setting or allow them to cool while you're doing your makeup. But, for extra oomph, I like to do this at night and sleep with my hair in the pin curls. When you take them out come morning, lightly fingercomb or brush your hair to gently loosen and soften your waves.

The bonus with pin curls? Less damage to your hair compared to using hot tools, like a curling iron -- and less damage to my bank account. Just think of all the money I'm saving on salon blow outs. More moolah for shoes!
And the survey says...
1-6 of 7 Comments
  • Posted by EricaC123 on 04/13/13 at 02:05pm

    Very nice!

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  • Posted by LipglossandSpandex on 07/20/11 at 01:04am

    User "..."--Maybe that's why my hair looks so frizzy! I've been twisting them. Really helpful advice. I'll probably need about 20 of those duckbill clips though.

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  • Posted by Bon_Bon on 02/21/11 at 02:36pm

    Last time I used a round brush Ihad to cut it out of my hair...

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  • Posted by ... on 01/05/11 at 10:49pm

    Always remember to never twist your curls or they won't come out neat, they will be everywhere and look frizzy when you brush your curls out. Roll them up to your head while keeping the strands laying flat. Another tip is that these curls are very resilient and they will curl whichever way you brush them out. For example, using a big round wire brush, not bristled brushes, and curving your hair inwards will flip the ends of your hair inwards and vice versa. You can basically make your hair do ANYTHING you want just by brushing it whichever way you desire. Also, I always need all 8 hours of the night for my curls & volume to last all day, just doing pincurls in the morning won't cut it at all.

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  • Posted by pynkNymphette on 12/21/10 at 08:19pm

    How retro!

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  • Posted by kenya on 11/22/10 at 03:11pm

    i love this hairstyle!

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