The Fashion Spot Momtastic

My NYE Goal: Create a Makeup Look That'll Last from 5 p.m. to Midnight

Posted 12/29/10 at 12:35PM by Kristen Giordani

Confession: I hate touching up my makeup (lip gloss excluded). I mean, why can't I just do my makeup once in the morning and have it stay in place and look fresh all day? Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is -- well, sorta. I guess if I employed some of the long-lasting makeup tricks I've learned in my decades on the planet, it might last a bit longer.

OK, done. I'm finally going to use these five tricks on New Year's Eve -- when I do my makeup around 5 p.m. for the evening ...

Trick 1: Use a mattifying lotion or toner before applying foundation. This will soak up my skin's natural oils, which break down makeup.

Trick 2: I'll apply a very thin layer of foundation -- just enough to cover imperfections -- by dabbing it on with a sponge.

Trick 3: For long-lasting cheek color, I'll first apply a cream blush to the apples of my cheeks and top it with a matching powder blush. The cream will act as an anchor for the powder.

Trick 4: A swipe of translucent face powder across my eyelids should help prevent my shadow from creasing, so I'll definitely do that before applying eyeshadow and long-wear, waterproof eyeliner.

Trick 5: I'll dab translucent powder around my lip line to prevent my gloss or lipstick from bleeding into the rest of my skin. Not a pretty look. Then, though I'm not a huge fan of it, I'll apply lip liner that matches my natural lip color and top that with the gloss or lipstick shade I decide to wear.

Hopefully these extra steps will help my makeup last well beyond ball-dropping time. Do you have any long-lasting makeup tricks to share? Please do, I need all the help I can get.

Ohhh ... just had a thought. I think I'll curl my hair using this pin curl trick and let it set while I do my makeup. Yay, my beauty plans are official. Now I just need to figure out where the heck I'm going on Friday night.
And the survey says...
1-6 of 13 Comments
  • Posted by EricaC123 on 04/13/13 at 02:30pm


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  • Posted by taryn.romero on 10/18/11 at 06:15am

    These are great tips. Primers are awesome, I don't know why I didn't discover them sooner.

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  • Posted by LipglossandSpandex on 07/20/11 at 02:26am

    @Lourdes--get an eyeshadow primer. I like Too Faced Shadow Insurance and Urban Decay Primer Potion, but there are many many options.

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  • Posted by LipglossandSpandex on 07/20/11 at 02:26am

    @Lourdes--get an eyeshadow primer. I like Too Faced Shadow Insurance and Urban Decay Primer Potion, but there are many many options.

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  • Posted by LipglossandSpandex on 07/20/11 at 02:26am

    @Lourdes--get an eyeshadow primer. I like Too Faced Shadow Insurance and Urban Decay Primer Potion, but there are many many options.

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  • Posted by Bon_Bon on 02/21/11 at 01:05pm

    I need to buy translucent powder

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