My Plan for Aging Gracefully [SLIDESHOW]

Posted 05/10/12 at 06:05AM by Charli Schuler

But as much as I admire them for taking a stand, I'm starting to feel the societal pressure of having to stay young-looking. And I must admit that as the effects of gravity on my face (and other regions) begin to show themselves, I do sometimes daydream about getting cosmetic surgery. I think about how nice it'd be to have a smoother brow, a more taut jawline, a ...
That's when I usually snap out of it and wonder whether there's an effective way to shift course naturally, without the incisions, pain, expense, and risks that come with operations or injections.
According to natural beauty expert and author Liz Earle, I'm not alone in wanting to remain young-looking without heading to the doctor or med spa. Earle says that while it's true that most people start to notice visible signs of aging in their 30s -- signs like dullness, sunspots, dryness and fine lines -- with a few easy changes, you can age naturally -- and beautifully.
So here, thanks to Earle's tutelage, is my plan of attack. Want to make it yours too?.

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You definitely see changes in your 30's
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Retin A and sunscreen are what I use.
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At 32 years old, I added a version of every item you listed in the slideshow and my payoff is at 37 now, I get mistaken for 30! I will not get any cosmetic procedures. I am perfectly fine with "wrinkles in motion" and I am doing everything I can to avoid constant, deep wrinkles. I agree with the song that says wrinkles are a sign of wisdom...;)
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I'm 26 and already worried about the fine lines that are starting to appear on my face. I want to age gracefully, without surgery, so I'm trying to avoid wrinkling my forehead as much.
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I'm so bad at wrinkling my forehead...
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