The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Reader Q&A: "Is Drinking 8 Glasses of Water a Day Really That Important?"

Posted 08/15/11 at 06:53AM by Audrey Fine

This week's reader question raises an interesting question. "Is drinking eight glasses of water a day really that important?" asks Jillian from California. According to celebrity nutritionist Carrie Latt Wiatt, you need even more! Here's why ...

One of the most important parts of healthy living is staying hydrated. Skimping on water may lead to dry skin and hair, and possibly even headaches and fatigue. Wiatt recommends 2.5 liters of water a day (roughly 10 glasses) for women and 3.5 liters for men. Sound like a lot? She offers some tips to make it easier:

1. Always have a glass or reusable water bottle around so you can constantly drink water.
2. If regular water gets boring, flavor it! Add natural fruit juices, like grapefruit or other citrus fruits, to make it more of a treat.
3. Eat your water. It sounds weird, but you can get some of your daily required water from fruits and vegetables that have high water content -- try grapefruit, asparagus or cucumbers.

Another way to ease into healthier living is to snack intelligently. Eat at least two small snacks a day to stave off hunger and work more healthy foods into your diet. Swap the Cheetos or Snickers for something like ...

1. A handful of walnuts. They are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which may raise skin's defense against UV damage and protect cell walls.
2. A grapefruit. It's a low-calorie snack that's high in vitamin C. Vitamin C can protect against free radicals and help with the synthesis of collagen.
3. Sunflower seeds. They're a good source of omega-6 fatty acids, which may help prevent fluid loss from skin.
4. A fiber-rich snack, like raspberries, popcorn, or apples. Fiber helps your digestive system and makes you feel full longer.
5. Carrots. They are high in vitamin A, which may help with maintenance and repair of skin tissue, and possibly help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Drinking a lot of water will also flush out excess salt and aid in keeping under-eye bags at bay. Here are other ways to rid your eyes of excess baggage.
And the survey says...
1-6 of 14 Comments
  • Posted by EricaC123 on 12/30/12 at 06:49am


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  • Posted by beautybody on 03/26/12 at 08:58am

    I need to drink more water each day. I get busy at work and just forget which isn't good for my overall health.

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  • Posted by powerwoman033 on 03/13/12 at 10:20am

    I heard about a medical study recently, that stated drinking 8 glasses of water per day, really had no real impact on the skin other than the inherent health benefits of staying hydrated which are important.

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  • Posted by kiley_marie on 11/22/11 at 10:10am

    awesome, thanks so much

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  • Posted by janellelora on 09/06/11 at 11:51pm

    I agree with Bon_Bon...also just replacing water with juices and soda and coffee can trim your waistline in as little as a month. I ONLY have water other drink with carbs!

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  • Posted by Bon_Bon on 08/26/11 at 06:34pm

    I think it's just good to drink water... I don't think it really matters how much.

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