The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Reader Q&A: What's the One Exercise I Should Do When My Time is Limited?

Posted 04/11/11 at 01:51PM by Audrey Fine

Today's reader question for celebrity fitness and lifestyle coach, Ashley Borden, comes from Lynn in Garfield, NJ who asks, "If I only have time for one exercise a day, what should it be?"

Borden says that "rebounding" is the perfect exercise. What exactly is rebounding, you ask? On her website, Jutta Tobkin, a certified reboundologist explains it this way, "Rebound exercise is the therapeutic movement of the body on a mini-trampoline. Because it moves all parts of the body at once we can also call it a cellular exercise. Rebounding is the perfect activity, because it gets everything moving at once."

Borden concurs. "Rebounding is [an] effective short burst exercise with multiple benefits. [It] helps get your heart rate up quickly, helps with digestion, helps to improve your mood and it helps you get into your fat burning zone quicker than a power walk." Any other reason it should be a woman's "go-to" workout? Absolutely. As Borden says, "You get more results in a minimal amount of time and space."

Better results in less time are definitely a plus for today's over-scheduled woman. (Which is one reason why I love this easy-to-do un-done bun hairstyle and the no-makeup makeup look. I reap the results of a time-consuming effort with hardly any at all.

Oh, and if you are gearing up for a workout, be sure to check out this video on how to look pretty while exercising. It's chockfull of expert tips on looking good -- but not foolish -- while you're working out.
And the survey says...
1-6 of 11 Comments
  • Posted by EricaC123 on 12/30/12 at 08:35am

    I love the rebounder!

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  • Posted by taryn.romero on 10/06/11 at 12:32pm

    It's worth a try, but really it's just important to get some movement in there.

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  • Posted by Isabella79 on 05/05/11 at 09:03am

    Only 6 mins? Check this out!

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  • Posted by Isabella79 on 05/05/11 at 08:15am

    Even if you have only 10 mins, there are a lot of mini all over toning and strengthening exercises that you can do instead of just one move. Check out Exercise TV for example, and you find a lot of free videos that you could follow. If you had to do only one move though, i'd recommend the push-up. Great for core, abs, chest, arms, almost everything!

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  • Posted by lea_m_gibson on 04/21/11 at 02:27pm


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  • Posted by lea_m_gibson on 04/21/11 at 02:27pm


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