The Fashion Spot Momtastic

The VIP (Very Impressive Product) Pick of the Week #11

Posted 04/15/11 at 11:15AM by Audrey Fine

The Product: Everyday Minerals Sumptuous Lip Polish

The Price: $7.00

The Promise: Get smooth, "sumptuous" lips with a vegan polish that boasts three essential oils: lavender, spearmint and peppermint.

The Real Deal: I have a weakness for lip scrubs. There's something incredibly satisfying for me about polishing my lips with a gooey grain that I feel really must be making my mouth as soft and smooth as possible -- plus, I'm convinced that exfoliating away those top layers of skin above my lips is helping to keep the dreaded lip-wrinkles at bay. That said, this cute little no-frills tub of organic matter appeals to me on many levels. It doesn't contain any creepy chemicals, is earth-friendly, smells divine and, hey, it also does a darn good job at polishing lips!

The Upshot: I'm always taking lip polishes (and balms) for test drives and this is definitely one that I'd seek out. I like the fact that it's wholesome and does a great job -- two aspects that tend to be mutually exclusive.

Do you love exfoliating your lips as much as I do? What's your favorite scrub? Nominate it by leaving a comment below. And, as for the lip color that I'll be slicking atop my newly softened lips, that'd be the lipstick I selected as my VIP Pick of the Week #8.
And the survey says...
1-6 of 6 Comments
  • Posted by EricaC123 on 12/30/12 at 08:34am


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  • Posted by taryn.romero on 10/06/11 at 12:14pm

    For $7 I think it's worth a try.

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  • Posted by lea_m_gibson on 04/21/11 at 02:25pm


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  • Posted by viva on 04/20/11 at 12:43pm

    I must try this....thanks

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  • Posted by LipglossandSpandex on 04/18/11 at 10:25pm

    I don't exfoliate my lips that often... they don't seem to need it. But when I do, I just grab an extra toothbrush and give my lips a scrub, with a little vaseline. Or some sugar.

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  • Posted by kenya on 04/15/11 at 02:38pm

    I LOVE lip scrubs. Currently I use a lip scrub by Softlips. I also like the Sweet Lips lip scrub from Lush. The Softlips one has very fine grains and leaves lips moisturized, while the lip scrub from Lush is very rough. I pick and choose depending on my mood.

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