The VIP (Very Impressive Product) Pick of the Week #2

Posted 02/03/11 at 01:07PM by Audrey Fine

The Product: Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Acne
The Price: $65
The Promise: The treatment is designed to effectively and gently exfoliate, detoxify and clarify acne prone skin -- without irritation.
The Ingredients: Among its key ingredients the product boasts 0.5 percent salicylic acid (to decrease oil production and fight acne), phytic acid (to brighten and control sebum production), tea tree oil (as an antiseptic and skin healer), and lactic and glycolic acid (to gently remove dead skin cells).
The Real Deal: This is the third generation of ExfoliKate and it's by far the most gentle; it's less grainy which is not only better for acne-prone skin but is much less irritating to my reactive skin. I use it twice a week as directed and the next day, like clockwork, people comment on how smooth and healthy my skin looks. It really makes it glow! Plus, I love the tea tree oil smell.
The Upshot: Based on the results I've had, I'll definitely keep using it and will recommend it to friends (and readers)!
Have a favorite product that you want to brag about? Here's your forum. (See last week's VIP pick.)
And, if you're intrigued, check out the other product that's giving my complexion a boost.

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Way to expensive, I'm sure there's a "Luxe vs Less" item availble
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I absolutely love ExfoliKate (the original) and this version, the ExfoliKate Acne by Kate Somerville. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to have it all of the time so I use the Proactiv Face and Body Wash in between and the price is less than half. I do pick up an ExfoliKate product at the beginning of every summer for the extra boost!
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Wow. The ingredient combo sounds nice, but not nice enough to justify the price tag. Especially for a product that's gentle! Get some Salicylic acid at the drugstore and some gentle cleanser and some baking soda--mix 'em together and it would probably work just as well.
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to much
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ive heard alot of great things about kate somerville lately. Sounds like its worth trying out.
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I love these articles but I could afford this :(.
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