The VIP (Very Impressive Product) Pick of the Week #26

Posted 09/09/11 at 12:30PM by Audrey Fine

The Price: $56
The Company Spiel: "Extracts of Chinese chestnut, combined with fermented Black Soy peptides and other potent antioxidants help lift, firm and restore resiliency for a more youthful look."
The Real Deal: Because I've started to feel so bad about my neck (with a nod to you, Nora Ephron), I've been actively seeking out "firming" solutions. I'd heard about this on HSN and decided I must give it a try. Guess what? I think it kinda works. It must be those "soy peptides" that lift and firm the appearance of saggy skin! I've been slathering it on my neck and over my entire face and I do seem to have improvement with tone and elasticity. Will wonders never cease?
Bonus: It smells good -- not too overpowering -- and doesn't feel too thick or gloppy at all.
The Upshot: Am I fool enough to believe that a topical cream can produce drastic changes? Nah. Do I think that there's credence to the fact that some ingredients and formulations can make a difference? Absolutely. And, so far I like what I'm seeing/feeling from this cream.
By the way, it's not just my sagging neck that's giving me angst. It's all of me. But, as you can read here, I've decided to try and age gracefully. (Sorta.)

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The nice thing is that on hsn they have a lot of great gift sets for a reasonable price.
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Wei's products do work effectively...My mom loves the line for her 63 year old skin! The products are worth trying!
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a lil pricey :/ interesting though
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It seems kind of expensive. I'd be curious to try a sample of it though.
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FYI- Aveeno products also contain soy peptides and are about 1/3 of the price. I'd suggest trying their line before paying $56.
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