The VIP (Very Impressive Product) Pick of the Week #3

Posted 02/11/11 at 03:19PM by Audrey Fine

The Product: Clairol Nice n' Easy Perfect 10
The Price: $9
The Promise: "Get rich, high gloss hair color with 100 percent gray coverage, in just 10 minutes."
The Ingredients: Clairol evidently has all sorts of patents on this at-home hair color kit. Its new "micropearls" allow for the color to penetrate the hair shaft more quickly than ever before.
The Real Deal: I was dubious but I have to say, "wow." The color I chose (a dark blonde shade called "Butterscotch Boom") took in the ascribed 10 minutes and has lasted -- really lasted -- for going on seven weeks now -- practically unheard of in the boxed hair color realm.
The Upshot: Based on the results I've had, I'll definitely keep using it and will recommend it to friends (and you, of course)!
Have a favorite product that you want to brag about? Here's your forum. (See last week's VIP pick.)
And, if you want to learn the best way to choose a great hair color that will actually mesh with your skin tone, watch this how-to Choose the Right Hair Color video.

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Nice product
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Nice product
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I will have to try this on my teenage daughter's hair. The normal at home hair dyes are actually exercises in torture, in my opinion! I love the idea of a really good 10 minute hair color. Thanks so much!
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I Love the buttersotch boom color been using that color for almost a year
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